Islay LIMPET (Land Installed Marine Power Energy Transmitter) was the world's first commercial wave power device and was connected to the United Kingdom's National Grid, in November 2000. The device was initially rated at 500 kW, but this was later downrated to 250 kW. The device was eventually decommissioned in 2012.
It was constructed on the coast of the island of Islay on the west coast of Scotland, and harnessed the movement of waves through air pressure in a concrete chamber, driving an air turbine.
The shoreline location was seen as a logical first step in the development and demonstration of wave energy technologies, as access for operation and maintenance was easier, possible in all but the worst weather.
Islay LIMPET(Land Installed Marine Power Energy Transmitter)是世界上第一個商業化的波浪發電裝置,於2000年11月連接到英國的國家電網。該裝置最初額定功率為500千瓦,但後來降至250千瓦。該裝置最終於2012年退役。