CorPower Ocean has successfully installed its first commercial scale WEC (Wave Energy Converter) in northern Portugal, as it accelerates towards making wave energy a bankable technology for mass deployment. The CorPower C4 device was launched in the port of Viana do Castelo, before being towed to the Aguçadoura site located 4km offshore.
After connecting to a pre-installed UMACK anchor on the seabed, the device was connected to the Portuguese national grid through a subsea export cable. The system will now undergo a commissioning program, with functions and operational modes being gradually verified. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) methods for offshore service access, device retrieval and tow-back to the on-land service base in Viana do Castelo will also be tested.
CorPower Ocean CEO Patrik Möller said: “This is a big milestone for CorPower Ocean and a very exciting chapter for marine energy. I am hugely proud of the entire CorPower Ocean team who have worked relentlessly to make this happen. The effort of the team and our partners to take us here is simply remarkable.”
The C4 previously completed a one-year dry test program with simulated wave loading in Stockholm, to tune and debug the system. It incorporates breakthrough technology to unleash the full potential of wave energy at utility-scale, including inherent storm protection for extreme conditions and phase control technology for amplified power capture in regular sea states.
CorPower Director of Integration & Testing Jean-Michel Chauvet said: “We are now entering an exciting phase demonstrating our first commercial scale machine. This builds on 40 years of scientific research followed by a decade of structured engineering to deliver a step-change improvement to the performance and reliability of wave energy.”
One of the biggest challenges for the world to reach net-zero goals is to ensure there is clean energy available at all times, 24/7 each day of the year. With its consistent power profile, wave energy can take on the critical role to help stabilizing our energy systems – This is key to address climate change – and for the world to be able to leave fossil behind.
Having entered the final phase of a structured 5-stage product verification process, which began in 2012, CorPower Ocean aims to take its technology to a type certified bankable technology offering in the coming years.
The Hiwave-5 Project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and Portugal 2020 through AICEP Global (Norte2020) and CCDR-N. CorPower Ocean has also been financially supported by EIT InnoEnergy, the European Commission, Wave Energy Scotland, CoreSpring New Technology, ALMI Invest Greentech, SEB Greentech VC and additional private investors.
CorPower Ocean is receiving wide support from utilities and project developers engaging in efforts to bring wave energy technology to a bankable product offering, including EU-SCORES project partners ENEL Green Power, EDP and Simply Blue Group.
Notion AI 翻譯
CorPower Ocean 已成功在葡萄牙北部安裝了其首台商業規模的波浪能轉換器(WEC),加速推進波浪能成為可大規模部署的可融資技術。CorPower C4 設備在維亞納堡港口下水,隨後被拖至位於離岸 4 公里的阿古薩杜拉場址。
設備連接到海床上預先安裝的 UMACK 錨後,通過海底輸出電纜接入葡萄牙國家電網。該系統現將進行調試程序,逐步驗證各項功能和運行模式。同時還將測試離岸服務進入、設備回收以及拖回維亞納堡陸上服務基地的運營和維護(O&M)方法。
CorPower Ocean 首席執行官 Patrik Möller 表示:「這對 CorPower Ocean 來說是一個重大里程碑,也是海洋能源發展的一個激動人心的篇章。我為整個 CorPower Ocean 團隊感到無比自豪,他們不懈努力使這一切成為可能。團隊和我們合作夥伴為此付出的努力實在令人讚嘆。」
C4 此前在斯德哥爾摩完成了為期一年的模擬波浪負載乾式測試程序,以調整和除錯系統。它融入了突破性技術,旨在釋放公用事業規模波浪能的全部潛力,包括用於極端條件的內置風暴保護系統,以及用於在常規海況下放大功率捕獲的相位控制技術。
CorPower 整合與測試總監 Jean-Michel Chauvet 表示:「我們現在正進入一個令人興奮的階段,展示我們的首台商業規模機組。這建立在 40 年科學研究的基礎上,隨後經過十年的結構化工程,為波浪能的性能和可靠性帶來了突破性的改進。」
全球實現淨零目標的最大挑戰之一是確保全年 365 天、每天 24 小時都有清潔能源可用。憑藉其穩定的功率特性,波浪能可以發揮關鍵作用,幫助穩定我們的能源系統——這對應對氣候變化至關重要,也是世界能夠擺脫化石燃料的關鍵。
CorPower Ocean 已進入始於 2012 年的結構化五階段產品驗證過程的最後階段,目標是在未來幾年將其技術發展成為經過型式認證的可融資技術產品。
Hiwave-5 項目由瑞典能源局和葡萄牙 2020 計劃通過 AICEP Global(Norte2020)和 CCDR-N 資助。CorPower Ocean 還得到了 EIT InnoEnergy、歐盟委員會、蘇格蘭波浪能源、CoreSpring New Technology、ALMI Invest Greentech、SEB Greentech VC 以及其他私人投資者的財務支持。
CorPower Ocean 正獲得公用事業和項目開發商的廣泛支持,他們致力於將波浪能技術發展成為可融資的產品,其中包括 EU-SCORES 項目合作夥伴 ENEL Green Power、EDP 和 Simply Blue Group。